Why Choose PERUSE?
Peruse is a purpose built missing document tool built by i27 to help organizations uncover missing documents in their M-Files Document Management System.
Never worry about not being sure whether a document is present within the system, with powerful search criteria we are able to report on any missing documents within the system.
Major new features & enhancements in PERUSE
Peruse (released in March 2017):
- Speed and performance improvements – Peruse is much faster in able to find missing document through new alogrithms of searching for documents via the M-Files system.
- Database Validation – Ability to Cross Check Database Data versus M-Files Data is a first for any tool with this capability, ensure you are able to do multiple faceted searches.
- Powerful Filters – Easily apply filters to search parameters ensuring you get the right reports
- Enhancements to Report Scheduling: Send reports at any pre-defined period
Extremely Quick
Through powerful search capabilities find missing documents within seconds no matter how big the repository.
Flexible Reporting
Would you require a report every day? every week? once a month? Any sort of scheduling is possible with direct email delivery ensuring reports are acted upon.
Multiple Search Possibilities
From Missing Documents to related Missing Document Searches, we support a wide variety of different methods of searching for missing documents.
Filter Searches
Sometimes you just want to see reports for a certain customer, or for a certain supplier – any powerful search criteria is possible with Peruse