Revenue Collection Solution


County Pro is a robust, ready to use soft­ware for centralized/​decentralized local gov­ern­ment pro­cesses at the Sub County, Ward, and Block level in a uni­form man­ner, encom­passing global e-​Governance stand­ards. The solu­tion is an integ­rated web based soft­ware for all depart­ments and divi­sions of the County Gov­ern­ments, which enables inform­a­tion shar­ing across all depart­ments and divi­sions of the County.


The CountyPro solution has won various awards such as the CIO 100 and the most recent being the ICT Innovation award at the connected summit that took place in Mombasa, Kenya.


The winning advantage of CountyPro… 

The soft­ware com­plies with all Kenyan laws and reg­u­la­tions, and is also com­pli­ant with inter­na­tion­ally gov­erned rights secur­ity levels, and encryp­tion standards.  The system is developed in adherence to global e-Governance standards, and provides tools to eliminate unscrupulous practices, and to introduce transparency and accountability by providing electronic tracking of citizen service delivery and revenue collections.

The solution offers a Citizen centric portal to promote effective governance, to increase citizen participation in governance, and to enable access to all County Government services online.

As opposed to commonly deployed revenue receipting systems, CountyPro enables County Governments augment revenues by focusing on operations management and services delivery, that results in increased revenues.The solution, together with Strathmore University’s world class training, certification, research  and support, make CountyPro a unique solution.



Our esteemed cli­ents cur­rently include:-

  • County Gov­ern­ment of Kiambu
  • County Gov­ern­ment of Taita Taveta
  • County Gov­ern­ment of Busia

Among results achieved by counties that have implemented the system, Kiambu County Government topped in revenue collections among all Counties in Central Kenya, as per the Budget Implementation Review Report 2014/2015. A separate report by the Micah Cheserem led Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA) also lists Kiambu County among the top five Counties that have increased revenues significantly. Kiambu County collected Kshs. 2.1 billion in the 2014/2015 financial year, against a set national target of Kshs. 718 million.

The results are not isolated to increased revenues alone, with Taita Taveta reporting a reduction in premits/licenses processing turnaround time by over 50%, enhancing citizen services delivery, and from an enforcement perspective, identifying consolidated arrears of close to Ksh. 300 Million.

Soft­ware Features

All mod­ules under one database/​product

  • Cal­cu­la­tion of estim­ated rev­en­ues ahead of time
  • No devel­op­ment time
  • Allows single click access to query status at each jur­is­dic­tion level
  • Allows new mod­ules to be con­figured as and when needed
  • Allows exist­ing mod­ules to be altered to bring effi­ciency or code changes
  • Fast imple­ment­a­tion with inbuilt import and export engine

CountyPro Modules

  • Land Records
  • Property Taxes (Land Rates)
  • Business Permits
  • Property Transfer
  • Property Subdivision
  • No Dues/Rates Clearance
  • Births/Marriages Registration
  • Market/Trade Rentals
  • Building Plans/Inspections
  • Tender Management
  • Advertisement/Signages
  • Liquor Licensing
  • Encroachments Mgmt.
  • Fire Department
  • CRM/Grievances Mgmt.
  • Solid Waste Management
  • Roads Management
  • Infrastructure/Asset Mgmt.
  • Citizen Charter Mgmt.
  • Code Enforcement
  • Permits/Services Engine
  • GIS Integration
  • Fleet Mgmt./Tracking
  • Daily/Seasonal Parking
  • Electricity/Water Mgmt.
  • Housing Rentals
  • Plot Rentals
  • Citizen Forums/Groups Mgmt.
  • Public Works Monitoring/Mgmt.
  • General Rates Module
  • HR/Payroll
  • Payables
  • GSystems Integration
  • Business intelligence/Reporting

Tech­no­logy Deployed

The applic­a­tion is based on n-​tier archi­tec­ture so as to be scal­able to meet the County Gov­ern­ments future require­ments. CountyPro may be eas­ily inter­faced with exist­ing back office sys­tems, as also, future sys­tems. The soft­ware is web ser­vices based, and existing/​future back office sys­tems may eas­ily invoke web ser­vices API to transfer/​pull data.

The user inter­faces of CountyPro adhere to the W3C guidelines/​standards, and are con­sequently access­ible across all major platforms/​browser vari­ants, and a vari­ety of computing/​portable devices, and oper­at­ing sys­tems, includ­ing Android, Win­dows, iOS, etc.

GIS Integ­ra­tion

Geo­graphic Inform­a­tion Sys­tems (GIS) integ­rates hard­ware, soft­ware and data into sys­tems for cap­tur­ing, man­aging, ana­lyz­ing, dis­play­ing, and visu­al­iz­ing geo­spa­tial data.CountyPro is com­pli­ant with Spa­tial Data Stand­ards, and facil­it­ates data shar­ing, integ­ra­tion and com­pat­ib­il­ity with any stand­ard GIS sys­tem that the County Gov­ern­ment presently oper­ates, or pro­poses to com­mis­sion in the future.

Works Man­age­ment System

CountyPro enables all engin­eer­ing works to be mon­itored through this util­ity.The viewing/​monitoring is in real time on a GIS/ ​electronic map, together with the clas­si­fic­a­tion of all engin­eer­ing works, includ­ing Road Works, Water Sup­ply, Sewer, Drain­age, etc. The per­cent­age wise status of the work done, together with the name of the con­tractor, value of the pro­ject, end date, pub­lic rat­ing, and recent pic­tures of the sites (with a date/​time stamp) may be viewed online by County offi­cials, together with the citizens.

POS Ter­minal Hardware

We deploy together with our CountyPro sys­tem Android based POS Ter­min­als for man­age­ment of unstruc­tured pay­ments within the counties. These include mobile GPS/ ​GSM/​CDMA, hand­held and wire­less mod­els with integ­rated card read­ers, and receipt print­ers. The PoS ter­min­als have off­line cap­ab­il­it­ies and exten­ded bat­tery life.

What Next….

The CountyPro team is presently integrating its platform with all Tier 1 Banks in Kenya to ensure seamless/automated banking reconciliation to enhance transparency, and to reduce human intervention in the reconciliation process. CountyPro is additionally rolling out its Phase II offerings that include Projects Management, Citizens Grievances Management, and GIS Integration